by Lisamarie Bourke | Mar 19, 2019 | Blog
Perhaps the most class-conscious nation in the world, the UK has long struggled with inequality in its educational system. Despite government initiatives to boost academic performance in inner-city schools, for example, the country’s great institutions of...
by Lisamarie Bourke | Mar 19, 2019 | Blog
In recent years, the United Kingdom has felt the squeeze of the global recession. Nowhere has this been more serious than in the housing sector. In the UK, homelessness is reaching unprecedented levels. It’s a real crisis. As foreign investors and corporations...
by Lisamarie Bourke | Mar 19, 2019 | Blog
It’s been said that when the United States gets a cold, the United Kingdom sneezes. Is the UK heading toward a US-style opioid crisis? Evidence accumulated over the past decade suggests that it might be if urgent steps aren’t taken to head it off. Within...
by Lisamarie Bourke | Mar 14, 2019 | Blog
British movie director, writer and producer, Ken Loach, has never been the typical film creator who relied on the popularity of big stars merely to carry a movie. Instead, he has often said that cinema has allowed him to place the focus on “ordinary people and...
by Lisamarie Bourke | Feb 25, 2019 | Blog
The relationship between poverty and education is vital. It’s easy to say that education leads to a better life, but the reasons are very complex and far-reaching. The importance of education in developing countries is even more crucial because of all the obstacles...